.NET Workflow persistance in PostgreSQL
Let’s say you have a long running .NET workflow and for whatever reason you can’t use SQL Server for persistence.
Using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web API in Python
We want to query and call Web API actions on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Odata endpoint in Python. We want to do it because we can. Also, Python has a rich set of modules for all sorts from machine learning to forecasting- We want to apply this to CRM data.
Regular Expressions- with Zimbabwe Id Number
The official Natonal Id for Zimbabwe looks something like this:
69-235489 C 67
PowerShell FileWatcher 2
There is a neccesity to watching or observation particularily for a developer. An example is during debugging.
PowerShell FileWatcher
We recently had to migrate data in the form of some flat-files between two systems. As is often the case some transformation of the flat-file was required before loading into the destination system.